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I got these emails from these people?

Jan 27, 2010 by Lucas | Posted in Spam & Bulk Mail

I am 13 years old.
Please help, I dont know what to do, or why these people are giving me emails
I want them to be away from me and I dont understand what they want.
I never talked to them before, and they sent me emails, (how did they get my email address?)

Sent by these persons: -> --==++SEX+LOVE+DRUGS++==-- -> <<I'M EVA,I SALE VIAGRA!>> -> VIAGRA,CIALIS BEST PRICES ONLINE! -> Online Canada Pharmacy!! -> "TODAY'S SEX-BESTSELLERS!" -> "___Buy Now VICODIN!" -> ==DISCOUNT SALE PHARMA!==

Sent by them to:

Mark each and everyone Spam. Never open them, it lets them know that your email address is active and then they send you more. They have many tricky ways of getting our email addresses. They have a maching that just goes through possible email combinations and just sends then out. When you surf the web you leave a cookie. If this is your email address, bonbon, then you just gave the entire internet world your email address. They also get them from the Forwards, chain emails that many play with. They harvest them.

magnumgirl | Jan 27, 2010

From your yahoo email click Option, Mail Options then Spam. Make sure that the top box is checked to turn on the Yahoo Spamguard. That gets rid of most of the spam. A few might slip through into your inbox. Highlight them and click Spam. This will tell Yahoo what you want to see and what you do not want to see. In a few weeks you will see less and less. I now get perhaps one or two a month.
Spammers get email addresses in bulk or they generate them randomly. They also get it from places like this. You put your email address there right in front for them to collect it. They send out literally millions of emails a day hoping only a few people will come forward and buy something. Be careful about where you put your address.
Greyolddave | Jan 27, 2010

LlegeixB@rcelona » Arxiu del bloc » Últimas tardes con Teresa III

Cita literaria:

‘La casa del muchacho es la segunda de la hilera de la derecha, al borde de las últimas estribaciones de la colina. Vive con su hermano mayor y su cuñada y cuatro chiquillos endiablados. La casa fue del suegro, un viejo mecánico del barrio malagueño del Perchel, que llegó aquí con su hija en una de las primeras grandes oleadas migratorias de 1941, después de perder a su mujer y haber podido salvar los útiles de trabajo y algunos ahorros. Construyó la casita con sus manos y compró un pequeño cobertizo en lo alto de la carretera, entre una panadería y lo que hoy es el bar Pibe, convirtiéndolo en taller de reparación de bicicletas.'

Si mireu amunt, cap el Turó de la Rovira, veureu les darreres barraques del Carmel:

Dijous, més imatges i història sobre les barraques del Carmel.

Source: LlegeixB@rcelona » Arxiu del bloc » Últimas tardes con Teresa III

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